Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Price of 'Victory'

It's nice to know President Obama, Michelle and the whole team can actually get behind a cause with victory as their goal. Unfortunately, instead of trying to win the war, vanquish Islamic terrorism from the world, or fighting for the lives of the unborn they decided to cheer-lead an effort to bring the Olympics to Chicago.

They plan to meet with the Olympic planners for a few hours in Copenhagen and sing the praises of Chicago.
Michelle Obama, with Valerie Jarrett (far right, ha! that's a joke!)

What does Chicago have to offer? Corruption. Just ask white house advisor-mastermind Valerie Jarrett, a close, personal friend of the Obamas who accompanied Michelle in the first plane to Copenhagen. (They created a God-sized crater of a carbon footprint in the Earth since Michelle and Barack had to travel in two different planes.)

We're only just now piecing together all the connections, but Obama's friends who helped him ascend to power are going to reap the financial benefits of hosting the Olympics, including Jarrett. Glenn Beck is on the case, so at least the public will know what's going on, not that anything will get done by anyone else.

What I find appalling is the fact that when it comes to getting the Olympic games to come to the United States, Obama takes Air Force One all the way to Copenhagen to pitch his 'hometown' in person--something no previous president ever deemed necessary or in their job description. Yet when it comes to talking with his Generals on the ground who are fighting a war against Islamic terrorism, Obama lets his minions take their calls for him.

Flitting around the world and gracing his fan base in the global community with his presence to bring a sporting event to Chicago--he'll do---but talking to his commanders in a wartime more than once--now that's above his paygrade.

It should be noted that 43 troops have died since General McChrystal asked Obama for more troops a month ago. Where are all the "Bush lied, Kids died" protesters now? Golfing each Sunday with Obama?

When Obama said he's "not interested in victory", only in "resolving the problem", he was referring to the war on terror or "contingency operation" or whatever George Soros wants it called this week, although I wish he'd stay consistent with his rhetoric. If he applied his phrase to his quest for the Olympics it might mean he doesn't want victory (hosting the Olympics), but he wants results (gold medals for the USA!).

His priority shouldn't be lining his Chicago buddies' pockets with cash through the Olympics, it should be winning the war in Afghanistan and fixing the economy through free market solutions.

We need to all wake up and realize that Olympics are costly--and often times destructive-- for the host cities/countries and in our economic situation, we can't afford to toss any taxpayer dollars at a sporting event.

President Obama is on a quest to win his bid for the Olympics. It's not the lottery. It's an auction--like eBay. Winning means you have to pay, and with taxpayers footing the bill for mob and gang and radical-infested Chicago, we'll surely come to learn the true price of this 'victory'.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From C's to Shining C's

From those first standardized, state-mandated exams and coloring assignments of kindergarten, to those final exams in college seniors' core classes, the liberals and progressives interject their agenda into school programs across the board.

With all the talk of the "public option" in the Obamacare package actually meaning "government (forced) option", it makes sense to question other uses of 'public' in the country. Public schools come to mind, and many would have disregarded any warnings about the government control of education as being a fringe concern, and part of the racist TEA party loon base. "Government schools, my fanny!"

Following the Obama administration's announcement of his upcoming simulcast session with schoolchildren, no sane person can deny the cultish indoctrination which is becoming the brand of Obama, and of the left.

The Specific lesson plans for different grades:

These plans, along with ones for younger kids, instruct teachers how to teach and recap Obama's speech. It sounds thoughtful enough, right?

I'm sure some of what Obama says will be common sense lessons for all students, children, or people in general, but what else is he going to slip in there before these strongly recommended lesson outlines?

I also find it completely coincidental that this coincides with the President's lowest approval rating and all of the fallout from the townhall meetings across the country where normal citizens are expressing concerns over Obamacare. What are the longterm plans regarding Obama directly addressing the children of this country? What trickle (up?) effects do the white house pie charts and graphs indicate might happen from school children being under Obama's spell?

It doesn't stop with High school, either. The difference is in college, the administrations and faculties generally wear their liberalism (and often their radicalism and intolerance) on their sleeves. At Ithaca College, there is a "First Year Reading Initiative", in its sixth year or so and each year a book is picked that each incoming freshman will read and discuss in small groups the first week of school. This year, they selected "Dream from my Father", Obama's first autobiography.

Either this is an effort to get Obama, like some previous authors of selected books, to speak at Ithaca College, (in Ithaca, NY: the liberal mecca of the east coast), or they're just thrilled to push Obama on their students from day one, also trying to silence critical students, as well as critical thinking skills.

I just wonder if in those small discussion groups, they'll take a moment to analyze the pages deemed a threat to national security by the FBI.

In any event, the education system in America has been corrupted by liberals for decades, leading to lessons in 'social justice', 'social engineering', feel-good topics, liberal talking points instead of thoughtful discussions, the Socratic method and global competitiveness.

Monday, August 24, 2009

A breath of fresh air...before you starve to death

The next aspect of our freedom (and the free market) that the government wants to take over (and frak over) is the agriculture industry!

They want to pay farmers to plant trees instead of crops. Some say it won't make food prices sky rocket any more than it already has, but considering grain is already stretched pretty thin to pay for their crappy ethanol plants, this would just further drain the system and it would trickle back to the consumer.
Either way, I guess they'll get us. They will eventually find a way to outlaw more types of "offensive foods", and adopt Japan's embarrasing tape measure test, mandated by the government, where if your waist is deemed "too large", you don't qualify for the same, cheaper "public health insurance" and must be "reeducated". So either way, they'll control our consumption choices.

Carbon emissions are more important than the electorate: REMEMBER THIS NEXT FALL.

This is what's wrong with liberals in power. All of their cooky ideas bubble up to the mainstream debate. If it weren't happening now, it what alternate universe would planting trees to possibly curb Carbon emissions (which will have a negligable effect anyway) be the chosen path over letting farmers grow a lot of food and sell it in the free market?

They are sending mixed signals; I thought we were supposed to buy local produce. How will that be as common if every Old Man Peabody out there is farming pine trees?
Even if this passes the Senate and The One signs it into law, we'll easily be able to reverse in the coming years. However, until then we'll be forced to endure higher prices and scarcity.

Obama's Interrogation Czar

The Obama administration has announced their creation of an interrogation unit supervised not by the CIA, but directly by the white house.

It almost makes you laugh, but then you remember how terrifying this news really is.

Can you imagine if President Bush had announced the creation of an interrogation unit that he would directly oversee?

Note: We should count how many times that pops up in the google search engine:

"Can you imagine if President Bush had" - as of today, there are 6,520 results

if you drop "President" - as of today Bush gets an additional whopping 44,300 google results

And coming in at a rather impressive number is of course Sarah Palin!

"Can you imagine if Sarah Palin had" - as of today there are 18,100 results

Anyway, my point is the mainstream media must think us fools by continually overlooking these blatant, and utterly dangerous double standards--and maybe some of us are fools for accepting their bias.

Obama is not just expanding the role of government in our daily lives, he's amassing power. Between his army of czars which didn't even get a rise out of the MSM, the bailouts, broken promises, pork filled pork and administration-hired lobbyists from the One who was to usher in a new age of politics he has already created a vast network of power brokers and policy makers who are "remaking America" and making the country broke.

Government is supposed to be small and effective for the people.
Instead, the government is expanding exponentially to control the people, and centralize all branches of government and intelligence into the white house.

A great, dying Vulcan once said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few...or of The One." Now we all know what he meant.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I am sick and tired of liberal "do-gooders" (codeword: evil-mongers) telling us evil-mongers (codeword: concerned citizens) what we can and can not say. They state (codeword: pretend) that we all use language as a covert way to perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia, and every other 'ism' that doesn't describe bias against conservatives, the military or God.

During Campaign '08 (codeword: the good ol' days), liberals like Marc Lemont Hill touted the belief that white Americans (codeword: one 'white sheet with eyeholes' removed from the Klan, Hitler and the animated characters that killed Bambi's mother) were speaking in code, so that they weren't saying they were "hockey moms" or "joe six packs" but racist WHITE hockey moms and racist WHITE couch potatoes. They claimed that when we thought of "hockey moms", it wasn't just an involved mom in her kids lives, but rather a WHITE mother, and that we were all racists.

I for one never played hockey, but thought of my mom in that context because she was involved in my activities growing up. Why do liberals have to turn innocent, good ideas and things into something hateful? To advance their ideology in all its self-righteous (codeword: race-baiting) goodness.

No one in the mainstream of society promotes any of these 'isms' anymore. That won't stop liberals from creating these phony controversies in order to tell us how racist or sexist we are! They continue to educate (codewords: brainwash; gaslight) us until we think we are bigots. Let the self-flagellation begin!

They want us walking on eggshells (the white ones (who cares about those guys), not the brown...that might be considered offensive to our brown-skinned brethren...wait that's sexist...brown-skinned brethren and womyn-kind). They see race everywhere: in black sheep, white light and don't get me started on the black death. Around liberals you can't even say "no thanks, I don't need any salt and pepper" at the breakfast table without being vilified for hate speech against our mixed-race president.

Seeing race hiding behind every corner and every innocuous syllable seems racist to me, and the main cause of continued race problems in this country.

Unfortunately, these champions of free thought (codeword: destroyers of free thought) aren't confined to the United States, and over in Great Britain, George Orwell's folks are disregarding his lessons as well. Many organizations have sent out directives to purge offensive (codeword: innocent) words and phrases from our vernacular. Thankfully the powers-that-be in these matters (codeword: language czars) have provided the replacement words and phrases to normalize (codeword: pacify) language and to be sensitive (codeword: fearful) of racism and sexism or risk being labled a bigot (codeword: non-conformist).

Here are some of the words and phrases that organizations have deemed controverisal and quote, "quietly dropped", along with some suggested revisions that have come down the pike from Big Brother.

*gentleman's agreement --- is now "unwritten agreement" or "agreement based on trust"

*right-hand man --- is now "second in command" (for women, although it also vindicate lefties!)

*whiter than white --- is now "purer than pure" or "cleaner than clean"

I bet, "don't shoot until you see the sclera of their eyes," will be the next empowering linguistic white wash, errrr, I mean..... This is so hard!

Other phrases for which they offer no socially responsible alternatives are: "black sheep of the family", "white collar worker", "black mark", "racial minority"and "master bedroom".
The liberal PC police is so negative. To turn innocent phrases without the slightest negative tinge into something that is evil and hurtful is insane. What do they think? If one bedroom is the "master bedroom", then the other bedrooms are for the slaves? Give me a break.

Liberals (codeword: thought police) take their social engineering responsiblities very seriously and never fail at their primary job, which they are in fact upfront about: they tell us what to say and do (codeword: they tell us what to say and do).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Liberals want it both ways (and usually get it)

When watching liberals, it's always exciting to see what they are going to do next.

One minute they are against something when it would potentially help the 'opposition', but do a 180 when it comes time for them to step up to the plate with their plans. It would be fun to watch them casting their spell, givin' them the old Razzle Dazzle--but they never get called out on their hypocrisy but the mainstream media.

Some people do call them on these double standards, most notably: Ann Coulter. She proves that elephants never forget what those pesky donkeys say or do!

Of course, hypocrites are among us on each side of the aisle, but liberals are the clear kings of the double standard.

Take for example this gem from Ted Kennedy. He's concerned about his senate seat and more precisely his vote for health care and any other issue the Democrats are trying to ram through the legislature. Since his health is seemingly deteriorating, an appointment will be necessary for his seat, however he wants the laws changed to help him ensure his vote will count in these upcoming votes. However, it doesn't make sense since Democrats from his state changed the law in 2004 to prevent then-Governor Mitt Romney (a Republican) from presumably picking a Republican to replace John Kerry, had he been elected President.

Singing a different tune this week, Ted Kennedy said:
It is vital for this commonwealth to have two voices speaking for the needs of its citizens and two votes in the Senate during the approximately five months between a vacancy and an election.

In both 2004 and 2009, Kennedy and the Democrats wanted the laws changed for the good of their state. The only difference is, now a democrat is governor, and they don't have to worry about an evil Republican potentially being appointed to the Senate. More evidence of this 'post-partisan' age of Obama we live in!

They are also afraid of another Democratic appointment incident after the New York appointment fiasco (also involving a Kennedy!), and the (ongoing) Illinois pay-to-play scandal and subsequent scandals involving Roland Burris.

This is just the latest in a long line of double standards being applied to democrats and the advancement of liberal causes. As always, the most troubling aspect of situations like these is not the double standard, but rather the free pass they get on it from the media and citizens alike.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

TNT falls from Grace

That's one of many cliche news headlines this weekend after it was revealed that Saving Grace was being canceled---or the more passive "not being renewed"---by TNT.

They can say it's because the ratings had slipped this season or that it costs too much, but we know the truth. The people at TNT are greedy. Remember these are the same people who give the talent (aka the people who sweat, bleed and cry for the show as they write, direct and act their hearts out) peanuts on the dollar for their work. Not to mention the automatic pay cut writers get for their show to grace cable television instead of network tv.

Saving Grace, about a superb but reckless Oklahoma City cop (Holly Hunter) who is being given a chance to turn her life around by Earl, a 'last chance' angel, has been a hit for three years. It's earned Hunter emmy nominations.

It also stars Laura San Giacomo as Rhetta, the childhood friend of Grace, as well as Leon Rippy as Earl, the quirky Angel. The show has tackled serious issues including the sustained fallout of the Oklahoma City bombing, child abuse (as Grace was repeatedly abused by a priest as child) and the loss of loved ones in war.

I'm afraid there's a secular or anti-christian element to the cancellation as well. As racy as the show is, often featuring some rear nudity, the main theme is redemption and religion plays a heavy part in this journey. Earl is non-denominational, thus representing every religion and spirituality. Grace's entire family, including Rhetta are all Catholic and religion plays a major role in their lives. One of Grace's brothers is in fact a priest. I understand TNT took that leap into religion (values which were no doubt new to Ted Turner), but perhaps it became too religious for them and not just 'too expensive'.

Saving Grace had been a great lead-out after The Closer, but this year they wanted to try out their newer shows with their two hit dramas. Starting this summer, Raising the Bar continued in its 10 pm slot after The Closer on Mondays where it began last fall after Saving Grace went on hiatus.

Saving Grace started this summer on Tuesdays at 10 pm after new nurse show Hawthorne. They got greedy and clumsy, shuffling their shows. As a result, Grace is ending prematurely because Hawthorne "stinks on ice" as Glenn would say, or at the very best is a generic nurse show---not at all as interesting as Nurse Jackie.

TNT certainly does know Drama...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Alfred Hitchcock's Rope

I wanted to change things up and talk about a film essential.

Rope is probably not the most well-known of Hitchcock's films, although it does feature one of his recurring leading men: Jimmy Stewart. It's adapted from a play by Hume Cronyn, which was inspired by a real murder committed by University of Chicago students.

The 1948 film is a classic example of the mind of a murderer and how he or she must show off and revel in their kill, despite the added risks that involves. Lucky for us that creates suspense---and that's what Hitchcock revelled in!

As puts it,
Two young men strangle their "inferior" classmate, hide his body in their apartment, and invite his friends and family to a dinner party as a means to challenge the "perfection" of their crime.

Brandon Shaw (John Dall) concocts a plan where he and his 'friend' Phillip Morgan (Farley Granger, who subsequently starred in Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train) kill their old school chum David in broad daylight. They stash his body in their apartment before they host a dinner party with guests including: David's father, aunt, fiancee and their favorite university professor, Rupert Cadell (the incomparable Jimmy Stewart).

Rupert is known for his ethical debates, along the lines of "A Modest Proposal", in order to justify murder, like his suggestion of "cut a throat week" or "strangulation day". Brandon took his lessons to heart, and the movie proceeds as his unstable sidekick Phillip points out, "Cat and mouse! Cat and mouse! Who's the cat? And who's the mouse?"

The reason I said Phillip was Brandon's "friend", is because it's implied in the film that they are romantically involved. Although it is never overtly mentioned, it's clear they are gay through their relationship, living arraingement and source material. Jimmy Stewart's Rupert is gay as well. He's a bachelor and there's only one mention by the maid to him being odd. It's interesting to take note of this as you're watching because it illuminates an added layer to the film, which was taboo for the time to the point of being banned from some cities. I doubt it would get such a wide release and prominent director if it was overtly presented even in movie theaters today.

Thankfully Rope has a prominent director who builds up suspense through each act of the film. Every time Brandon pushes the envelope of what he can get away with by flirting on the edge of discovery, Hitchcock brings viewers to the edge of their seats each time the clever professor, or the helpful maid comes within an inch of learning the truth.

Part of Hitchcock's style with this, his first color film, was to shoot the film with only a handful of continuous takes. Shots were roughly 10 minutes long and with only one or two (purposefully) jarring cuts, the rest were hidden through clever transitions of burying his shots into someone's dark suit jacket as they passed.

The bulk of the film takes place within in the apartment, giving the film a very theatrical feel to it. Rear Window (also starring Jimmy Stewart) also employed this technique to a degree, showing the perspective from within his apartment of the courtyard almost exclusively.

The script is captivating, dark and funny often times all at once. Each of the secondary characters has their unique backstory, attributes and voice which helps to populate the film and make it a dinner party you won't soon forget!

I'm biased because I think Alfred Hitchcock was the most ingenious and masterful director and filmmaking personality ever. Still, even if you're not an immediate fan of his work, this film deserves your attention!

The Face of Evil in Washington

As our wonderful representatives stand poised to pump 2 billion more into "Cash for Clunkers", effectively destroying hundreds of thousands of cars and forcing Americans over a barrel, there's something even more stinky afoot!

The snitch/informant program the White house started yesterday on their blog has actually drawn fire! If the criticism hadn't been accepted, I'm sure it all would have just flooded the white house blog with thousands of Orwellian 'tips'.

Obama will just say a rogue agent in his administration goofed up, or they will whitewash the wording and try and make us forget their totalitarian policies of fear and hate. I have to say though, he finally found a use for the flag. That's the email address to snitch:

Now he's sending out emails through Organizing for America, trying to organize people and get them to spread the word on Obamacare. Is there some reverse-snitching we can do here? Do as I say not as I do...

This on the heels of an official Democratic National Committee ad that blatantly lied about the American citizens speaking up at townhalls around the country. They are just ANGRY MOBS OF REPUBLICANS OUT TO GET OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATS., or as they put it the, "right wing extremist Republican base is back."

This is yet another example of the Democrats' mistaken identity. They try to pawn off the blame for mobs and bullying, threats to free speech, media bias, and "political attack machines" onto conservatives and the right, when all the evidence shows they are the ones with the attack machines (see Ann Coulter's Guilty and the chapters on how Obama became Senator (and President), media bias (well, duh), and bullying (ACORN and other affiliates who bullying lenders into giving loans to people who couldn't afford them).

Spying and snitching is the antithesis of freedom and intellectual diversity; the DNC and Obama are flouting our bedrock principles and we shouldn't stand for this any longer. What's scary is, I still am not confident the voters will pink slip these politicians in the next two election cycles. Maybe they are afraid of ending up on Obama's enemy list.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The United States will never negotiate with terr---oh, wait.

I'm elated that those two female journalists are free from North Korea and their 10 year hard labor sentences, but what happens the next time a rogue, thug government bullies America? I say we set up a concession package, like you give guests at the end of a birthday party. But first, how did we get here?

American foreign policy is a joke under Obama.

Obama went so far as to threaten to veto funding for F-22 radar-evading fighter jets if congress didn't kill the funding bill first.
1) Who needs a strong military, anyway? The world is a bubble of love!
2) I can see why liberals want to keep the military voting absentee, and therefore keeping their votes inconsequential.

This week he sent Bill Clinton to North Korea to give them reason to release the two journalists, and as a bonus help legitimize a crazy nut-job leader.
And don't tell me Obama wasn't involved and it was all Clinton's and Gore's efforts to get that done. Clinton is a former President, a shrewd politician and the husband of Obama's Secretary of State.

The Messiah was so quick to pounce on the police for acting "stupidly" when he didn't know all the facts that showed his friend is a rude, race-baiting elitist, but he's mum on everything from citizens taking to the Iranian streets to combat a corrupt election, to the Russian subs patrolling near the United States.

Then there's the three Americans captive in Iran this week being interrogated. More Americans suffering at the hands of foreign radicals because Obama is too busy planning yet another summer vacation for his family.

Not to mention the pacification of military power abroad by mirandizing terrorists on the battlefield, as per the request of the Obama administration.

Open your eyes, America. How can his poll numbers be so high, when he keeps putting us in danger? Do we have a death wish?

You can tell Kim Jong-il got a thrill up his in the photo because he knows he won. He provoked the United States and we rolled over. Bill Clinton looks ecstactic to be there next to chuckles, doesn't he?

With all these bully nations lining up at the terrorist entitlement window how are we going to appease them all in a fair and equitable way? I think having standard appeasement concession packages would solve that problem, and depending on the particular type of threat being posed against America and her citizens, we can provide supplemental benefits.

Some 'man-caused disaster' type threats could include how many nukes are pointed at us, how many subs are off our coasts, how many Americans are held hostage or how many have already been killed. What the heck, we'll also incentivize reducing CO2 by selling them a piece of America? How about it?

Once you start giving in to a bully's demands, he'll never stop because he knows you are afraid of him and can be bought.

Even as Harrison Ford's president in Air Force One was aboard his hijacked plane and his family held captive he still told his VP (Glenn Close), "If you give a mouse a cookie..." She understood and responded, "he'll want a glass of milk."

Mr. Obama, thanks to you, all the thug nations in the world are chanting, MOO.

Obama's Civilian Thought Police

The white house website is now calling on citizens to turn in their fellow citizens if they post blogs (uh-oh) or share links that challenge the president, particularly as it applies to the health care debate. (Getting worried, Mr. President?)

It's no secret Obama eliminates political opponents to get elected, and silences critics once elected by using surrogates to do his dirty work, while simultaneously denouncing any negativity.

We also know he's said he wants a civilian military force, which sounded to many like a gaffe during the campaign. Fast forward a year and we hear plans for increasing the membership of Americorps to a quarter-million of paid volunteers working in the government.

Paid-volunteers....there's a definite-possibility that this Americorps peace-force will host a small-crowd of supporters to enjoy a jumbo-shrimp cocktail at the white house after they help snitch on their neighbors.

Anyway, Obama is the Octo-prez. He's the inky, murky head of the beast that looks you in the eye as the eight (or hundreds of arms of government) pick your pocket, thwack you on the head, rape you, strangle you, sell you to China and give you your universal health care end-of-life brochure. Oh, and he also has an extra tentacle to hold up his teleprompter.

Just as Orwell warned us in 1984, so has it come to pass. The great O has spoken, and silenced us all.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

You Belong to Us Now.

Last week, with the help of a patriot, Glenn Beck exposed the atrocious new Federal policy regarding Cash for Clunkers.

When dealers (or anyone) would log into the government CARS website for Cash for Clunkers, they'd be prompted with the following message, as Glenn reported:

"A warning box comes up, and it says, ‘This application provides to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a federal computer system and it is property of the United States government,'" Beck read. "‘Any and all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.'"

"Good God almighty!" Beck said.


Could they have made that any more general? Everyone (including Beck) condemns President Bush for putting some of these laws in place through the Patriot Act, but that was so clearly limited to those suspected of terrorism. Considering the twice annual reviews for any misuses of the Act, I felt pretty safe.

Plus, they weren't issuing memos about "Right Wing Extremists" and TEA party freedom-lovers back then, so I was even less worried.

But now under Obama, a single click of a mouse can erase all laws and rights we have as citizens permanently.

And what's with the "agencies domestic and foreign" portion? Are we going to round up all the women in the country and let muslims stone women who chat with men online, or send over everyone who checks out gay singles websites and let Iran hang them?

I've learned nothing is too extreme to put past the chicago political machine in the white house, not when they spy on citizens of the United States.

We've come to expect this sort of identity theft & spyware scam to be instigated by rogue criminals, not our own government.

According to Glenn Beck's monday broadcast, the white house retooled the website and removed the warning--a whitewash procedure they've become renowned for. But did they retool the policy as well? Can the CARS website or any others infiltrate our systems and defy our rights?

They are turning the face of freedom in America to nothing more than a rotted out apple core, left over from those simple bygone days of eating pie on the fourth of july, when we were still free.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Do Not Pass Go...

The Obama white house thinks the worst is over and the recession is coming to an end thanks to his wonderful stewardship of the economy. I guess since he and the democrats like to speed through legislation, zip through the issues and even speed read bills on the house floor, he assumes everything will obey his will and conform to his abrupt, haphazard timetable. Think again, Speedy Gonzales.

( I'm sorry, I guess white people can't say anything anymore, despite America's vast melting pot. Hispanic references by whites are off limits after the outcry by latino groups when Senator Coburn (white--GASP!) in the Sotomayor hearings responded to her outrageous, unfunny legal hypothetical about shooting him by channeling (as I sometimes do) Ricky Ricardo -- "You'd have some 'splainin' to do.")

Anyway, Obama likes to dupe the country almost as much as Michelle likes srutting down the political runways of the world showing off extravagant wares. This really is the eye of the storm. Just wait until all this bailout spending kicks in. And the higher taxes. And when the more expensive health care for less services drowns the system (and patients).

Besides, how can we be through the worst of the recession when men (allegedly) get violent and toss around women after a friendly game of Monopoly!

Throw away our 'clunky' freedom

How eager we are to throw away our freedom.

This "Cash for Clunkers" program is nothing more than a scheme to get us to willingly scrap our cars that worked well enough on January 19th, but now are supposedly garbage.

Why would the government want us to scrap our cars, forcing us to then buy a new more fuel efficient (green) car which would undoubtedly be an expensive purchase during this terrible recession? It's not their money. They can afford whatever they want. It's the rest of us (who have to endure Stay-cations this summer, and tighter budgets) that have to take one for the team in the name of "saving" the environment.

Not to mention that this scheme destroys the "clunker" cars and leaves them in a scrap heap (Boy, That's environmentally sound). They might remove some pieces of the car (except the engine), and sell them to China as Glenn Beck reported on July 30th.

By scraping these perfectly fine cars, they also are decreasing the supply of replacement parts for those of us who don't participate in this auto-cide.

What ever happened to our freedom in America? We can't educate our children the way we want to, and can't opt out of offensive lessons; we can't say or believe what we want to; we can't dissent without fear of called a 'racist'; pretty soon we won't be able to choose the medicine, procedures, or family doctors that we want (unless of course you choose to have an abortion); and now we can't choose to drive whatever vehicle we want.

This program isn't working and is already is in the red, so they had to shovel more bail-out money into it, making opponents ask what good is the bailout if there's all this extra spreadin' around money floating around.

We should trade in this corrupt program and get our money back. That's what I call CASH for CLUNKERS.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Third Time Is A Charm

Well, here we go again!

This is my third attempt at a blog, and it just goes to show that not posting on your blog is the 21st century equivalent to not writing in your journal.

Both other blogs are still active but I just got a little tired of wordpress and my posts not showing up, so I decided to start this one. My other blog at is entirely political and I have no major problem with how it works--just the lack of features. Whatever happens to the other blogs, this one will be the central hub and I'll talk about anything from the news to reviews of bad, horrible, wretched, Mystery-science-theater-3000-worthy films.

First to explain the name of the blog. I'm conservative. I believe in a small government that preserves our personal freedom and the right to choose how to live our own lives. I believe in respect and equality. No one should be held back because of their race, gender, sexuality, age, beliefs, military background or any other identifying characteristics. Nor should they be given special entitlements or free passes because of the color of their skin or who they know.

In these uncertain times we live in, when 'change' is happening all around us, it's sometimes hard to navigate through it all when it seems each step we take finds us deeper into a vast forest from which there is no discernable path out. Last year, I opened my blog with the following and thought it would be wise to include it here:

We all find ourselves lost in the woods at different stages of our lives. Some of us seek out the woods, clad in the latest Gortex jumper and nature-resistant hiking boots. Others merely blink and find themselves clutching the bark of some ancient tree, alone and forgotten and forced to search for their own way out.

In some instances, the forest sprouts up around us (all at once or gradually) until we’re surrounded by towering giants intent on keeping us blind and blundering along for as long as they want. Other times, we walk into the still, silent woods knowing full well the dangers and pain that lie ahead. I’m not sure which one I am. I probably fit somewhere in the middle. I’ve never been good at fitting into crisp, clean categories.

So, sometimes I know I’ve taken my own path (paging Robert Frost) knowing the loneliness and trials that await me. Nothing good in life comes through dumb luck, (at least with my Irish luck) so it’s important to just brave the woods. Unfortunately, some of the darkness and unseen dangers in this wilderness have been made by others.

When I think of all I’ve been taught and all I’ve seen in life that has molded who I am, it angers and terrifies me that so many people out there would do harm to this world, to this ideal I’ve been taught. Honor. Duty. Respect. Lawfulness. True Equality. The Value of Life. Freedom. And, I’ll say it again because it’s the most important to me: Respect.

These are the things left of center folks don’t truly uphold or fight for. It’s not about Republicans and Democrats, or those pesky Independents. It’s about ideology. Conservatism vs. Liberalism.
I don’t know how much longer this boy will have to wander these woods alone, but why don’t you join me? I could use the company.

As I alluded to above, I'm also a movie and television guy so I'll surely chime in on any films or series I find interesting, and creative people I think deserve recognition. I also hope to create a list of films worthy for a revival of MST3K, if we're ever so blessed to witness it!

I look forward to giving this blogging thing another stab. It seems the woods have grown darker in the last year and a half, but I'm hoping to see the sun once more.