Saturday, August 1, 2009

Third Time Is A Charm

Well, here we go again!

This is my third attempt at a blog, and it just goes to show that not posting on your blog is the 21st century equivalent to not writing in your journal.

Both other blogs are still active but I just got a little tired of wordpress and my posts not showing up, so I decided to start this one. My other blog at is entirely political and I have no major problem with how it works--just the lack of features. Whatever happens to the other blogs, this one will be the central hub and I'll talk about anything from the news to reviews of bad, horrible, wretched, Mystery-science-theater-3000-worthy films.

First to explain the name of the blog. I'm conservative. I believe in a small government that preserves our personal freedom and the right to choose how to live our own lives. I believe in respect and equality. No one should be held back because of their race, gender, sexuality, age, beliefs, military background or any other identifying characteristics. Nor should they be given special entitlements or free passes because of the color of their skin or who they know.

In these uncertain times we live in, when 'change' is happening all around us, it's sometimes hard to navigate through it all when it seems each step we take finds us deeper into a vast forest from which there is no discernable path out. Last year, I opened my blog with the following and thought it would be wise to include it here:

We all find ourselves lost in the woods at different stages of our lives. Some of us seek out the woods, clad in the latest Gortex jumper and nature-resistant hiking boots. Others merely blink and find themselves clutching the bark of some ancient tree, alone and forgotten and forced to search for their own way out.

In some instances, the forest sprouts up around us (all at once or gradually) until we’re surrounded by towering giants intent on keeping us blind and blundering along for as long as they want. Other times, we walk into the still, silent woods knowing full well the dangers and pain that lie ahead. I’m not sure which one I am. I probably fit somewhere in the middle. I’ve never been good at fitting into crisp, clean categories.

So, sometimes I know I’ve taken my own path (paging Robert Frost) knowing the loneliness and trials that await me. Nothing good in life comes through dumb luck, (at least with my Irish luck) so it’s important to just brave the woods. Unfortunately, some of the darkness and unseen dangers in this wilderness have been made by others.

When I think of all I’ve been taught and all I’ve seen in life that has molded who I am, it angers and terrifies me that so many people out there would do harm to this world, to this ideal I’ve been taught. Honor. Duty. Respect. Lawfulness. True Equality. The Value of Life. Freedom. And, I’ll say it again because it’s the most important to me: Respect.

These are the things left of center folks don’t truly uphold or fight for. It’s not about Republicans and Democrats, or those pesky Independents. It’s about ideology. Conservatism vs. Liberalism.
I don’t know how much longer this boy will have to wander these woods alone, but why don’t you join me? I could use the company.

As I alluded to above, I'm also a movie and television guy so I'll surely chime in on any films or series I find interesting, and creative people I think deserve recognition. I also hope to create a list of films worthy for a revival of MST3K, if we're ever so blessed to witness it!

I look forward to giving this blogging thing another stab. It seems the woods have grown darker in the last year and a half, but I'm hoping to see the sun once more.

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