Friday, August 21, 2009

Liberals want it both ways (and usually get it)

When watching liberals, it's always exciting to see what they are going to do next.

One minute they are against something when it would potentially help the 'opposition', but do a 180 when it comes time for them to step up to the plate with their plans. It would be fun to watch them casting their spell, givin' them the old Razzle Dazzle--but they never get called out on their hypocrisy but the mainstream media.

Some people do call them on these double standards, most notably: Ann Coulter. She proves that elephants never forget what those pesky donkeys say or do!

Of course, hypocrites are among us on each side of the aisle, but liberals are the clear kings of the double standard.

Take for example this gem from Ted Kennedy. He's concerned about his senate seat and more precisely his vote for health care and any other issue the Democrats are trying to ram through the legislature. Since his health is seemingly deteriorating, an appointment will be necessary for his seat, however he wants the laws changed to help him ensure his vote will count in these upcoming votes. However, it doesn't make sense since Democrats from his state changed the law in 2004 to prevent then-Governor Mitt Romney (a Republican) from presumably picking a Republican to replace John Kerry, had he been elected President.

Singing a different tune this week, Ted Kennedy said:
It is vital for this commonwealth to have two voices speaking for the needs of its citizens and two votes in the Senate during the approximately five months between a vacancy and an election.

In both 2004 and 2009, Kennedy and the Democrats wanted the laws changed for the good of their state. The only difference is, now a democrat is governor, and they don't have to worry about an evil Republican potentially being appointed to the Senate. More evidence of this 'post-partisan' age of Obama we live in!

They are also afraid of another Democratic appointment incident after the New York appointment fiasco (also involving a Kennedy!), and the (ongoing) Illinois pay-to-play scandal and subsequent scandals involving Roland Burris.

This is just the latest in a long line of double standards being applied to democrats and the advancement of liberal causes. As always, the most troubling aspect of situations like these is not the double standard, but rather the free pass they get on it from the media and citizens alike.

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