Wednesday, September 2, 2009

From C's to Shining C's

From those first standardized, state-mandated exams and coloring assignments of kindergarten, to those final exams in college seniors' core classes, the liberals and progressives interject their agenda into school programs across the board.

With all the talk of the "public option" in the Obamacare package actually meaning "government (forced) option", it makes sense to question other uses of 'public' in the country. Public schools come to mind, and many would have disregarded any warnings about the government control of education as being a fringe concern, and part of the racist TEA party loon base. "Government schools, my fanny!"

Following the Obama administration's announcement of his upcoming simulcast session with schoolchildren, no sane person can deny the cultish indoctrination which is becoming the brand of Obama, and of the left.

The Specific lesson plans for different grades:

These plans, along with ones for younger kids, instruct teachers how to teach and recap Obama's speech. It sounds thoughtful enough, right?

I'm sure some of what Obama says will be common sense lessons for all students, children, or people in general, but what else is he going to slip in there before these strongly recommended lesson outlines?

I also find it completely coincidental that this coincides with the President's lowest approval rating and all of the fallout from the townhall meetings across the country where normal citizens are expressing concerns over Obamacare. What are the longterm plans regarding Obama directly addressing the children of this country? What trickle (up?) effects do the white house pie charts and graphs indicate might happen from school children being under Obama's spell?

It doesn't stop with High school, either. The difference is in college, the administrations and faculties generally wear their liberalism (and often their radicalism and intolerance) on their sleeves. At Ithaca College, there is a "First Year Reading Initiative", in its sixth year or so and each year a book is picked that each incoming freshman will read and discuss in small groups the first week of school. This year, they selected "Dream from my Father", Obama's first autobiography.

Either this is an effort to get Obama, like some previous authors of selected books, to speak at Ithaca College, (in Ithaca, NY: the liberal mecca of the east coast), or they're just thrilled to push Obama on their students from day one, also trying to silence critical students, as well as critical thinking skills.

I just wonder if in those small discussion groups, they'll take a moment to analyze the pages deemed a threat to national security by the FBI.

In any event, the education system in America has been corrupted by liberals for decades, leading to lessons in 'social justice', 'social engineering', feel-good topics, liberal talking points instead of thoughtful discussions, the Socratic method and global competitiveness.

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