It's nice to know President Obama, Michelle and the whole team can actually get behind a cause with victory as their goal. Unfortunately, instead of trying to win the war, vanquish Islamic terrorism from the world, or fighting for the lives of the unborn they decided to cheer-lead an effort to bring the Olympics to Chicago.
They plan to meet with the Olympic planners for a few hours in Copenhagen and sing the praises of Chicago.
Michelle Obama, with Valerie Jarrett (far right, ha! that's a joke!)
What does Chicago have to offer? Corruption. Just ask white house advisor-mastermind Valerie Jarrett, a close, personal friend of the Obamas who accompanied Michelle in the first plane to Copenhagen. (They created a God-sized crater of a carbon footprint in the Earth since Michelle and Barack had to travel in two different planes.)
We're only just now piecing together all the connections, but Obama's friends who helped him ascend to power are going to reap the financial benefits of hosting the Olympics, including Jarrett. Glenn Beck is on the case, so at least the public will know what's going on, not that anything will get done by anyone else.
What I find appalling is the fact that when it comes to getting the Olympic games to come to the United States, Obama takes Air Force One all the way to Copenhagen to pitch his 'hometown' in person--something no previous president ever deemed necessary or in their job description. Yet when it comes to talking with his Generals on the ground who are fighting a war against Islamic terrorism, Obama lets his minions take their calls for him.
Flitting around the world and gracing his fan base in the global community with his presence to bring a sporting event to Chicago--he'll do---but talking to his commanders in a wartime more than once--now that's above his paygrade.
It should be noted that 43 troops have died since General McChrystal asked Obama for more troops a month ago. Where are all the "Bush lied, Kids died" protesters now? Golfing each Sunday with Obama?
When Obama said he's "not interested in victory", only in "resolving the problem", he was referring to the war on terror or "contingency operation" or whatever George Soros wants it called this week, although I wish he'd stay consistent with his rhetoric. If he applied his phrase to his quest for the Olympics it might mean he doesn't want victory (hosting the Olympics), but he wants results (gold medals for the USA!).
His priority shouldn't be lining his Chicago buddies' pockets with cash through the Olympics, it should be winning the war in Afghanistan and fixing the economy through free market solutions.
We need to all wake up and realize that Olympics are costly--and often times destructive-- for the host cities/countries and in our economic situation, we can't afford to toss any taxpayer dollars at a sporting event.
President Obama is on a quest to win his bid for the Olympics. It's not the lottery. It's an auction--like eBay. Winning means you have to pay, and with taxpayers footing the bill for mob and gang and radical-infested Chicago, we'll surely come to learn the true price of this 'victory'.
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