Monday, July 18, 2011

What is and Should Never Be

The lies, the superior attitude, tone deafness, the endless personal narrative (which is also laced with lies to advance his agenda), horrible SCOTUS picks, Janet Napolitano, FLOTUS, wrecking relationships with foreign allies (while celebrating a self-congratulatory boost in how the world perceives us), OBAMACARE, taxes, gas prices "necessarily skyrocketing", spreading the wealth, golfing while the nation burns, dropping the ban on funding of foreign abortions, repeatedly banning oil drilling in the United States while GIVING billions to Brazil so they can do what he won't allow us to do, breaking the law, using water as leverage in the Valley that hope forget in California to get votes for Health Care, continually pushing the Dream Act and policies to circumvent the process, the internet Kill Switch he gave himself, and so much more...

In spite of this laundry list of despicable acts the action that cuts the deepest and upsets me at my core is his dismantling of the space program and erradication of any stake we once had in space.

I've been holding back on writing about the death, no strike that: MURDER of NASA and marginalization of the smartest and biggest dreamers on planet Earth, perhaps in all of history because I feel so strongly about reaching out into space to find answers about the universe, to see what's out there, and ultimately to spread the human race out among the stars.

We now live in a post-space-age era with no plan, no direction or promise to put us up there and out there like Kennedy did.  The drive isn't gone---but buried beneath progressive bureaucrats' red tape.

It's hard to choose one sin of Obama's that is his worst mistake because in the short term, he's made horrific ones.  The space program is about the future and progress for all of mankind--and NASA gave Americans pride and also assurances that we would be stewards of space (holding true to our founding principles).  The same can not be said of Russia or China or Iran and all the other dangerous nations who are staking a claim to our skies.

I'm a conservative guy and I'm concerned with progress and where we are going--and not just the next election cycle--but 50, 100, 500 years from now.  If only our "progressive" liberal president actually cared about real progress...

The picture that inspired this post is truly captivating and it's a fun family keepsake that unfortunately exists, despite the fact it never should have been possible.

A father and son have photographs of themselves attending the first and last space shuttle launches--I pray, at least until the next president starts a Gen 2 Shuttle Program.

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