Sunday, July 10, 2011

Primary Bickering

The worst part of the election process is the time leading up to the primaries.  In this case, all of the Republican's best hopes are fighting amongst themselves, contradicting themselves on their support for fellow candidates and generally losing focus.

It's kind of like Kirk and Spock fighting.  It'll get you ratings and headlines, but everyone ends up bruised and dirty when the dust settles.

The first debate found the candidates unified against Obama, but that sentiment has been replaces by the desperate compulsion to win.  I guess we can't blame them too much...I just wish the candidates elevated their own positions--of course pointing out the weaknesses of the others--but without contradicting themselves and their past support of various colleagues.

Tim Pawlenty is the latest example of this unfortunate trend.  He hasn't gotten much support and he's competing against a Congresswoman from his own state of Minnesota.  That would be a tricky situation for any candidate lagging behind, as Michele Bachmann continues to surge in the polls.

"Well, I like Congresswoman Bachmann. I've campaigned for her. I respect her, but her record of accomplishment in Congress is non-existent. It's non-existent," Pawlenty told NBC's "Meet the Press."

Not only is that not true, but it doesn't fill me with any more confidence in Pawlenty.  We must remember that Bachmann came into the United States Congress when Democrats swept into power back in November of 2006.  She pushed many solid, conservative policies but often was faced with too much opposition.  An example is her opposition to the light bulb ban in America.  Thankfully, Congress will actually be revisiting that horrible and dangerous policy this week. 

Pawlenty should focus on convincing us why he's the guy for the job.  Not only would he look like a gentleman, but we would know his resume and stances.

To me, he's one of two things:
  1. The guy who coined "Obamneycare" as a way to cleverly link Obama's health care monstrosity with that of Mitt Romney's health care program when he was governor---only to backtrack and completely avoid the subject and Romney at the debate. (We need more from a President.)
  2. That guy from Michele Bachmann's state.

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