Friday, August 5, 2011

Wrong on Both Ends

Chris Hayes, a newly promoted MSNBC host apologized for his being straight, white and male when describing how he'd level the playing field in terms of diversity in spite of his horrible, distasteful attributes.  Given time, perhaps he would've added 'American' or 'Western' to the list as well.

Cable news is very white, male and straight," Hayes told TheWrap. "I feel extremely strongly given the fact that I can't do anything about my own white male straightness that I have the duty to double down in efforts to make sure what we present is reflective of the diversity of the country at large in a way that cable news doesn't always do a good job of."
"I can't do anything about my own white male straightness..."  The progressive media and the liberals, feminists and others in the irrelevant Department of Education who have been trying to create gender equality by making every boy and girl, man and woman the same sure have done a number on this guy.

Whatever happened to diversity?  True diversity and the tolerance that should come with it.  No.  Progressives are only happy when everyone changes to their correct way of thinking.

In our modern, supposedly enlightened society everyone should be accepted for who they are and not awarded any special treatment based on anything other than ability or financial need.  Unfortunately, we have 'affirmative action' that scales candidates for jobs or colleges based on their skin color or gender or orientation.  Today is doesn't pay to be a white, straight, male...especially if you're from a poor family because you aren't going to get any help, much less a fair shake.

That said, the mostly leftist media, while claiming to embrace diversity actually does not.  Sadly, it seems Fox News, the actual fair and balanced organization didn't report about this couple either, who happened to be lesbian, and  saved dozens of kids from the gunman in Norway.

"We were eating," Dalen told the newspaper. "Then shooting and then the awful screaming. We saw how the young people ran in panic into the lake."
The couple took off in their boat for the island, picking up shocked victims from the water and transporting them to the mainland. They made four runs in all, helping rescue some 40 of Breivik's victims, the paper reported.
"Between runs they saw that the bullets had hit the right side of the boat," the paper wrote.

With the police completely MIA and ill-prepared for their raison-d'etre,  Hege Dalen and her wife, Toril Hansen were the only heroes that day, and yet all the media is concerned about are the thoughts of the murderous madman.

Perhaps this is due to some of the confusion regarding the whole massacre.   The police, who also can't count, said there were over 90 victims initially.  Now (thankfully), the total rests at 77.  The total would haven been over 100 if not for several brave souls on boats rescuing camp attendees, including the lesbian couple.

This lack of focus on the heroism reminds me how NBC released graphic photos from the Virgina Tech shooter in 2007.  Imagine reading an article and being assaulted with a photo of the coward who killed your loved one pointing a gun at the camera, showing what said loved one's last moment looked like.  At the time, they chose to highlight the horrible actions of a monster, while barely breathing a word about Dr. Liviu Librescu.

In an ironic twist to the deadly Virginia Tech shootings Monday, a professor who had lived through the Holocaust was killed by the campus gunman on a day in which Jews worldwide marked the memories of those murdered during the Nazi genocide. April 16th is recognized in many countries around the world as Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Liviu Librescu, a Romanian Jew and citizen of Israel, will be remembered as a hero who died protecting his students by barricading the door to his classroom with his own body, while calling out to his students to "run!"
Gay, straight, white or black, we should accept people as they are and let the diversity chips fall where they may.  It's not little attributes that determine who we are.  It's our deeds.  I only wish the media would focus on the heroes and not elevate the villains.

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