But wait! Diamonds! They are forever, and go on forever and ever on the newly discovered diamond planet!
The research team believe the diamond planet is all that remains of a once massive star, but most of its matter has been siphoned off towards the pulsar it orbits.Let's go there! They say diamonds are a girl's best friend; Well, Elliott would agree, ET is a boy's best friend.
Before progressivism seeped into our lives, America was without a doubt the most miraculous country in history. Our forefathers defied the odds and created the strongest, albeit frailest (and maybe that's the key), system of self-government. We pulled the world into the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We put men on the moon...
We must not force our astronauts to rely on Russia (or any other nation) for access to space, or to resupply the International Space Station. What would JFK say if he were alive to see these defeatist, namby pamby policies? Besides, how reliable are the outdated Russian spacecraft?
An unmanned Russian supply ship crashed this week while attempting a mission to the space station. Granted, there have been both accidents and disasters with some NASA missions, however a month after cocky posturing and bravado about the superiority of the Russian space program as it
I realize, as with most of our government, wasteful spending as well as bureaucratic red tape has also affected NASA, but is that any reason to give up? The answer is less government. Instead of cutting off manned space exploration cold turkey, couldn't we start privatizing NASA or offering government contracts to the highest domestic bidders for private space research and implementation programs?
I say, let's help Michelle feel "luscious" again by once again exploring space. The dreamers and scientists--as well as FLOTUS can each pursue their own goals. Do it for the plunder, or do it for the wonder. Either way, DO IT.
Her days of flying ahead of her husband for an early start to her vacation are numbered, anyway.
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