The next aspect of our freedom (and the free market) that the government wants to take over (and frak over) is the agriculture industry!
They want to pay farmers to plant trees instead of crops. Some say it won't make food prices sky rocket any more than it already has, but considering grain is already stretched pretty thin to pay for their crappy ethanol plants, this would just further drain the system and it would trickle back to the consumer.
Either way, I guess they'll get us. They will eventually find a way to outlaw more types of "offensive foods", and adopt Japan's embarrasing tape measure test, mandated by the government, where if your waist is deemed "too large", you don't qualify for the same, cheaper "public health insurance" and must be "reeducated". So either way, they'll control our consumption choices.
Carbon emissions are more important than the electorate: REMEMBER THIS NEXT FALL.
This is what's wrong with liberals in power. All of their cooky ideas bubble up to the mainstream debate. If it weren't happening now, it what alternate universe would planting trees to possibly curb Carbon emissions (which will have a negligable effect anyway) be the chosen path over letting farmers grow a lot of food and sell it in the free market?
They are sending mixed signals; I thought we were supposed to buy local produce. How will that be as common if every Old Man Peabody out there is farming pine trees?
Even if this passes the Senate and The One signs it into law, we'll easily be able to reverse in the coming years. However, until then we'll be forced to endure higher prices and scarcity.