Thursday, June 6, 2013

Liberal Hypocrisy - The 'Legitimate Rape' by the IRS

While the laundry list of heinous scandals of the Obama Administration begins to see the light of day, it's best not to forget all the progressive minions who still want to cover-up, apologize for and blame others for Obama and his dream team's unconstitutional, criminal actions.

Enter:  Democrat Representative Jim McDermott.

As witnesses testified as to how their God-given and constitutionally-affirmed rights had been savaged by the IRS due to their conservative or TEA Party affiliations, this good lil' mobster in Obama's Chicago-style mob blamed the victims.

McDermott lashed out at the witnesses, saying "each of your groups are highly political" and said that Tea Party and conservative groups that were essentially asking for "a tax break" were trying to game the system and should have been scrutinized for submitting applications for tax-exempt status.  
He continued by saying taxpayers should know "which side you fall on" and whether groups were interested in finding voters who vote without IDs or doing things like promoting Communist views.  
He called the hearings a "circus" and "political theatre" and accused Republicans for looking for a "conspiracy" that did not exist.

He even blamed Bush!  It seems odd, but liberals, unlike most people who say 'uhh' or 'um' when they are tongue-tied, just fill the void with some reflex Bush-bashing.

Paul Ryan followed McDermott and he summarized for the gallery, "so you're to blame....I guess that's the message."

This whole blame the victim scenario reminded me of last year's election year abortion drama from Todd Akin.  To refresh, he said:
Well you know, people always want to try to make that as one of those things, well how do you, how do you slice this particularly tough sort of ethical question. First of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
Firstly, what he said was stupid.  It's true this is the sort of theory was circling decades ago, but we've come a long way medically since then.  We know rape is rape, and abortion is murder, at least that's the way the tide is finally turning in American polls.  After 40 years of Roe, it only took killing enough babies to populate England to get us there.  (55 Million)

Secondly, I do agree wholeheartedly with the idea of punishing the rapist, not the innocent child.  I didn't like cancelling recess for all because of one kid, so I certainly despise punishing a child for the violent crime of another.

Thirdly, the media blew his comments all out of proportion--just to find a way to help his struggling Democrat opponent to eventually win re-election.  They ran with 'legitimate' and expanded his brief comment to ask if some rapes aren't considered rapes or not.  If we're going to tabulate stupid things Obama or Biden or Hillary or John Kerry have said, we'd run out of cyberspace for this blog post.  Besides the chosen ones get to "walk back" their comments or get do-overs. 

In any event, whether rightly or wrongly so, Akin was deemed to have implied that if you get pregnant but say it was rape, (then you were lying?) because the body is supposed to close up shop and prevent pregnancies during a rape. 

Like a computer:  Body entering rape mode.  Ovaries shutting down.  And we all know how well computers always work!

I'd like to know where's the outrage over McDermott's comments blaming the victims.  Where did all the ones who complained about Akin (shaming) the female victims go?  McDermott implied that they had it coming, and were asking for it....just by daring to stand up to Obama.  I'm just surprised he didn't blame it on race while he was at it.

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